Register your team
Applied Team List

The SLYSA Spring Registration is now open.
You will need to use the same account as you had last seasonal year to keep the history.
If new to GotSport please create an account if you do not already have one to register with your team. (New account is under your email not team log in)
- Please fill in all necessary fields for contact information.
- Under the registration form tab, click each check box and enter your team’s name exactly as it was last year in the old GotSport system so we can find it for bracketing purposes.
- To enter blackout dates (6) per team. Click the box for the calendar to pop up. To add additional dates, click the blue working to add up to 6 dates. (If you block a Saturday and Sunday, Friday and Monday do NOT need to be blocked they will be automatically blocked)
- Do not use the new request button only use the NEW BLACKOUT button. Be sure the date shades as a blackout or the date did not save.
- Payment – will show a 0.00 due today with the fees listed. We are shooting for 9 game seasons across the league. We will send a final invoice in Mid-January with total amount due. DO NOT MAIL PAYMENT BEFORE RECIEVEING YOUR INVOICE.
- Click the checkout tab to continue.
- CLICK THE BLUE REGISTER TAB TO COMPLETE THE REGISTRATION. Make sure you get the confirmation on the following page in green bar ‘YOU ARE REGISTERED’ if not received you have not completed the registration process.
One last reminder, with 1200+ teams we do our best to accommodate scheduling requests, but none are guaranteed unless it’s one of the 6 blackout dates which are due by January 17th.
This includes no guarantees for notes/Spring Breaks/Club Fundraiser or other team coaching requests outside of the 6 blackout dates selected.
- Save the date for March 14th all payments are due for league.
- Late payment could result in negative scores being posted.
If you have any questions during this process, please reach out via email to the boys and girls scheduler for assistance.
Thank you,
Paul Zarky, SLYSA Competition Commissioner
Katie Dennis, SLYSA Girls League Scheduler;
Cory Nava, SLYSA Boys League Scheduler;