AJAX St. Louis SC
CLUB WEBSITE: http://www.ajaxstl.com/
2012 (U13) - Coach Katie Gaines kcwalsh22@gmail.com.
Looking for defensive center and wing backs that are motivated to learn and play. We are in Division 2. We typically practice at SLUH. Please reach out for kickaround information either to my email (kcwalsh22@gmail.com) or phone 314-315-3254.
Ajax StL has open spots for competitive girls for the following birth years:
2014 girls (contact team manager Anne Kunderman ajaxSTL2014g@gmail.com)
2015 girls (new team; contact head coach Meredith Belrose merbel13579@gmail.com)
2016 girls (contact head coach Meredith Belrose merbel13579@gmail.com)